Ok Eric,

Who are you?

A picture of Eric looking all smiley and happy.
That's me An arrow pointing at a handsome looking man.

I'm a software generalist and I primarily work with web-related technologies. Some would call me a 'Full Stack Developer', others, a 'Software Engineer'.

More importantly, I get the most enjoyment in designing and building software that is visual and interactive.

What do you do for work?

I make software. Software mostly for the web.

Want to know more about my work? Here's my resume, or find me on LinkedIn, or visit my GitHub.

There's also my project's page!

Open to opportunities?

Not at the moment, but I'd be happy to chat if you have an interesting problem you need help with!

Email: hey@okeric.com

What are you doing now?

Updated May 2, 2024 from California.

Moved back to the Bay Area recently and started working remotely as a full-stack developer.

In my spare time, I continue to experiment with side projects. I've been learning Swift lately to build myself a better ChatGPT MacOS app for personal and work.

Beyond side projects, I've been looking for ways to connect with my local community more!

Volunteering my time to fix bikes has been one of them. See bikex.org

What do you do for fun?

Surfing and it still is. Still rocking my 8' Wavestorm from Costco 🤙 from 2021.

When I'm not in the ocean, I try to split my fun time across bike fixing, hiking, and any other activity that gets me outside, active, and with people.